Elevating Student Voice in the Creation of the New Social Studies Standards

By Sarah Arrington, Policy Fellow The State Board’s Social Studies Standards Committee, chaired by Jessica Sutter, the Ward 6 Representative, is leading the District’s effort to revise the statewide social studies standards. The standards have not been updated since 2006 and are thought to be Eurocentric and exclusive of many cultures’ histories. In the SocialContinue reading “Elevating Student Voice in the Creation of the New Social Studies Standards”

State Board in the Community: June 2018

By: Paul Negron, Public Affairs Specialist In June, SBOE members criss-crossed the District visiting DC public schools and public charter schools, attending high school graduation events, and participating in important community gatherings. Karen (Ward 7 / President), Ashley (At-Large), and Joe (Ward 6) attended Mayor Bowser’s press conference announcing the new search committee for DCContinue reading “State Board in the Community: June 2018”